Photo Gallery & School Events

Fr. Valery’s 90th Birthday Celebration

Sunday, December 17, 2017

2017-2018 School Year Gallery

2017-2018 First Day of School

October 2016: A Special Visit

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God, “Softener of Evil Hearts,” visits the parish school.

April 2015: A Special Visit

The day began as any typical Saturday at St. Alexander Nevsky Parish School.  After morning prayers, students went to their respective classes and the hum of children’s voices filled the classrooms and hallways. Around noon, the school inspector came to each classroom and instructed everyone to quietly go to the main hall to greet Bishop George and the holy, miraculous icon of the Mother of God, “Softener of Evil Hearts.” There was a sense of anticipation and curiosity as the students lined up in two parallel lines for the icon to pass through as the Mother of God entered the hall. Usually, children would laugh or talk loudly amongst themselves, but today everyone present – students, teachers and parents – stood in silence. A distant voice singing the troparion to the holy icon grew increasingly louder and suddenly, the Mother of God was here. Father Serge, the school director, carried the myrrh-streaming icon into the hall and a beautiful fragrance immediately filled the air. Not only did the children see the drops of holy oil streaming down the glass, but they could smell the lovely myrrh that miraculously flows from the icon.

After a special prayer, Bishop George addressed the children by first asking a question. “Why does the Mother of God stream myrrh?” he asked. The answer is that, through the myrrh streaming down the icon, the Mother of God is waiting for us to take notice. She wants us to take notice of the way we are living our lives and she wants us to change, to become better Christians, Vladyka explained. “Can we become better?” Vladyka asked, and the children all replied in one voice, “Yes.”

The students venerated the icon and received a copy of the original icon. Some of the older children were visibly moved. They stood crying and prayed for family and friends. Back in the classrooms, they shared stories about miracles they had heard of and they were so very glad that they had been fortunate to receive the blessing of the Mother of God from such a miraculous icon. If only all of us could approach our faith with child-like innocence!

2015-2016 Children’s Masquerade

2015-2016 First Day of School

2014-2015 Bright Monday Children’s Holiday

2015 Children’s Christmas Pageant “Yolka”